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【演講者及介紹】Henna Maria Uusitupa


【演講主題】你與生俱來的腸道微生物 如何影響你的終身健康?


Translated by Lipeng Chen. Reviewed by Yolanda Zhang.


Now, I know it might be easy to think thatmicrobes are bad, especially for infants, but research has in fact proven theopposite. And the truth might be a little bit more complex, but it's actuallyway more interesting. It seems that we need microbes to be programmed for goodhealth, but not just any microbes, we need the right combination. We succeedbest with the little microbial bodies we have adapted to coexist with duringevolution. And I guess it won't surprise you to learn that we start acquiringthat right combination right at birth. Well, at least some of us do.

我知道很容易去這么想,微生物不好,尤其是對嬰兒來說,但是事實上,研究證明了相反的結(jié)果。事實可能更加復(fù)雜一些,但是也更加有趣。看上去我們需要微生物來為健康助力,但并不是任何微生物都可以,我們需要正確的組合。在進化過程中,我們適應(yīng)的 與之共存的微生物(組合)是最佳的。我猜你們也不會驚訝于 我們從一出生之時就開始獲尋那種正確的組合。至少我們中的一些人是這樣的。


Babies born by C-section and babies bornvaginally aren't the same when it comes to microbial start to life, and afterbirth there are countless different early life events and circumstances thatfurther modulate the way the gut microbiota is developing, such as themedications that might be prescribed for the infant or the mother, number ofpets and siblings in the family, as well as level of hygiene at home, and, inthis case, it's actually better if it's not that perfectly clean all the time.And also nutrition, both mothers and infants. All of these events andcircumstances play a huge role in the gut microbial development and that has ahuge impact on the lifelong health of that baby.

剖腹產(chǎn)出生的嬰兒和 順產(chǎn)出生的嬰兒 在出生時 擁有的微生物群是不一樣的,出生后有數(shù)不清的 早期事件和環(huán)境因素 會進一步調(diào)整腸道菌群的發(fā)育,像是開給嬰兒或是母親的藥物,家庭中寵物和兄弟姐妹的數(shù)量,以及居家的衛(wèi)生水平,這種情況下,事實上 不總保持過分清潔反而是好事。還有母親和嬰兒的營養(yǎng)狀況。所有這些事件和環(huán)境都在腸道菌群發(fā)育的過程中 扮演著重要的角色,也對嬰兒的長遠健康 產(chǎn)生著巨大的影響。


And I'm not talking about small healthimplications here. I'm talking about the big stuff. Microbes we acquire or donot acquire affect our likelihood of developing diseases like obesity, diabetesand even some cancers.

我講的不是細微的健康影響。我講的是很大的影響。我們獲取或未獲取的微生物 影響著我們得像是肥胖癥、糖尿病、 甚至是一些癌癥的概率。


Since many of these early life events Ijust listed are such that we cannot affect them, they are inevitable, forexample C-sections have been invented to save lives, and they do that daily,and most medications are prescribed for a valid reason, especially for infants,and so on. That is why we have to learn how to protect the health of thesebabies after the occurrence of such early life events that might disrupt theirgut microbiota development.

因為許多我剛剛列出的早期事件 是我們無法掌控的,因此這些事件不可避免,比如為了拯救生命發(fā)明出的剖腹產(chǎn),每天都在發(fā)生,開大多數(shù)藥物都有合理的理由,尤其對嬰兒來說,等等。這就是為什么我們需要學(xué)習(xí),在這些可能會擾亂嬰兒腸道菌群發(fā)育的 早期人生事件發(fā)生之后,如何保護這些嬰兒的健康。


I work as a researcher and as a technicallead of an infant health platform, and the question I'm trying to find a solutionto every day at work, and the same question I'm aiming to answer in this talk,is how can we make sure that all babies get the same shot at lifelong health,no matter how they're born or what early life events they encounter. Seems likea noble cause, right? Great. So let's figure this out.

我是一名研究人員,同時還是一個 嬰兒健康平臺的技術(shù)帶頭人。有一個我每天在工作中 試圖解答的問題,同時也是我在這個演講中 試圖回答的問題,那就是,從長遠來看,無論這些嬰兒以什么樣的出生方式或是在生命早期有什么樣的經(jīng)歷,我們?nèi)绾未_保他們 在健康方面處于同一起跑線。聽上去是很崇高的事業(yè),對吧? 很好。那么讓我們來一起分析一下。


To begin, remember how I said that we needthe right combination of microbes? Well, to get that combination right, we needto receive those microbes that inhabit our bodies in a certain order. You canthink of it like a colonization march. The very early microbes that inhabit ourbodies first change the environment in the infant's gut so that the nextmicrobes are able to move in, kind of like the first invaders come in first andset up the infrastructure for the other settlers to build upon.

首先,還記得我說過 我們需要正確的微生物組合嗎? 要獲得正確的組合,我們就需要以特定的順序 來接收生活在 我們體內(nèi)的微生物。我們可以將其看成一種殖民活動。最早進入我們身體的微生物改變了嬰兒的腸道環(huán)境,這樣下一批微生物才能進來,就有點像最早的殖民者 第一個到來,并為后來的人 搭建起一定的基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施。


Now, if babies are born via C-section, thatearly phase of colonization is greatly altered, because instead of vaginal,fecal and skin bacteria of the mother, mainly only skin bacteria enter theinfant gut. And that sets that colonization march to a totally different tone,and simply because that's different to what we've adapted to during evolution,that might cause some health disadvantages for C-section-born babies later on.We can take weight development as an example here. It has been already shown inseveral studies that gut microbiota composition is associated to weight as wellas the likelihood of developing diseases like diabetes or cardiovasculardiseases. But now there are some indications that you could already at infancysee from a fecal sample of a baby some microbes missing from those individualswho will later on develop to be obese or overweight. It has also been shownthat those same microbes might be missing from babies who are born by C-sectionor who are predisposed to heavy loads of antibiotics in early life. And to kindof close this loop, it has also been shown in some research that babies born byC-section or are prescribed with many, many antibiotics early in life are morelikely to be obese or overweight, even by 50 percent, which is a lot.

如果嬰兒是剖腹產(chǎn)出生的,那么他們體內(nèi)早期的“殖民”階段 就會被大大的改寫,因為母親的陰道、糞便和 皮膚上的細菌三者中,只有皮膚上的細菌 才會進入嬰兒的腸道。這就給“殖民行軍”設(shè)定了 完全不同的基調(diào),僅僅是因為剖腹產(chǎn)和我們 通過進化所適應(yīng)的方式(順產(chǎn))不同,這就可能會在將來為剖腹產(chǎn)出生的嬰兒帶來一些健康劣勢。我們以體重的發(fā)展舉例。數(shù)個研究已經(jīng)顯示 腸道菌群成分和體重 以及患上像是糖尿病,還有心血管疾病的概率 有著相關(guān)性。然而現(xiàn)在有些證據(jù)表明,你已經(jīng)可以在嬰兒時期,從嬰兒的糞便樣本中看出,將來會肥胖或超重的個體,他們的腸道內(nèi)缺少一些微生物。還有證據(jù)表明,通過剖腹產(chǎn)出生的嬰兒和在生命早期 接觸大量抗生素的嬰兒,體內(nèi)同樣也缺少這些微生物。除此之外,還有研究顯示,通過剖腹產(chǎn)出生的嬰兒 或是在生命早期 攝入大量抗生素的嬰兒 變得肥胖或超重的概率要高出 50%,這是個很大的數(shù)字。


Now, I know you might be thinking at thispoint that, oh no, I just had a C-section or I was born via C-section or mychild had the antibiotics. But I want you to not worry. If these microbes aremissing or are lost for any reason, they can be acquired later, but the babyjust needs a little help with that.



One thing that has already for some timebeen known to help is breastfeeding. Breast milk is kind of miraculous: inaddition to containing nutrients for the baby, it seems to contain food for thegood microbes as well.

一段時間以來已經(jīng)為人所知的 一種方法就是母乳喂養(yǎng)。母乳真是神奇的東西: 除了幫嬰兒維持營養(yǎng)供應(yīng),母乳還包含了給有益微生物的養(yǎng)分。


That's great for a breastfed baby, but weall know that all babies are not breastfed. So what could we do to ensure thatalso those babies who are not breastfed could restore their microbiotadevelopment after encountering those disruptive early life events that might disrupttheir gut microbiota development?

這對母乳喂養(yǎng)的嬰兒來說太好了,但我們都知道不是所有的嬰兒 都是母乳喂養(yǎng)的。那么我們可以做些什么,來確保沒有母乳喂養(yǎng)的嬰兒在遭受到可能會導(dǎo)致 腸道菌群發(fā)育紊亂的 干擾性生命早期事件之后,仍可以恢復(fù)他們的菌群發(fā)育呢?


And now we get to the actual solution partof this talk. The research in this field has been taking giant steps lately.First, it was understood that if there are some microbes missing, they can beingested. We call the good microbes, when they are ingested, probiotics, andprobiotics have been tested in several clinical trials during the years, alsoin infants, with great effects, such as reducing their risk of eczema later inlife.

現(xiàn)在我們到了這個演講的 實際解決方案部分。最近,這個領(lǐng)域的研究 取得了巨大的進展。首先,人們發(fā)現(xiàn) 如果有些微生物缺失了,它們可以被攝入。我們稱這些被攝入的有益微生物為益生菌,益生菌已經(jīng) 在多年的臨床試驗中,包括嬰兒身上,顯示了不錯的效果,比如降低將來患濕疹的風(fēng)險。


Now, a second revolution was realized whenthe eyes of researchers were turned to breast milk. That was logical, as, likeI mentioned, it was already known that breastfeeding is able to support thehealthy development of gut microbiota. There were these particles in breast milkthat were found already in the 1930s called human milk oligosaccharides, buttheir function remained a mystery for decades and decades after their initialdiscovery. They were really puzzling for researchers, as they are reallyabundant in human milk. They are actually the third-largest group of solids,but they are not digestible by humans, not even infants. So why would motherssynthesize something to breast milk, use their resources to put something therethat is not utilizable by the infant? Usually nature does not work that way.Right? So it was quite a revelation when it was finally understood what's therole of these particles, and that it is to selectively feed the microbes thatare best for infants, and that way to affect the infant health.

當研究人員將目光轉(zhuǎn)向母乳,第二項革命就發(fā)生了。這很符合邏輯,正如我提到的,母乳喂養(yǎng)對健康菌群 發(fā)展的支持作用 已為人熟知。上世紀 30 年代,人們就已經(jīng)在母乳中發(fā)現(xiàn)了叫做 人乳寡糖(HMO)的顆粒,但是在被發(fā)現(xiàn)的幾十年后,它們的作用仍是一個謎。研究人員對此感到十分困惑,因為它們在母乳中含量豐富。人乳寡糖實際上是(母乳中)第三大固態(tài)物質(zhì),但它們無法被人,甚至嬰兒消化。那么為什么母親會消耗資源,在母乳中合成 嬰兒無法使用的東西? 通常情況下,大自然是不會這么做的。是吧? 所以在人們最終知曉這些顆粒的作用之后 驚訝的發(fā)現(xiàn),人乳寡糖能夠選擇性的 培育對嬰兒來說最好的微生物,從而影響嬰兒的健康。


There are over a hundred of different HMOstructures, and nowadays we are able to synthesize some of them also in thelab, and that enables us to package them up with probiotics for children andinfants who are not able to receive them from breast milk to restore theirmicrobiota after encountering disruptive early life events.

HMO 有上百種不同的結(jié)構(gòu),現(xiàn)今,我們可以在實驗室中 合成其中的一些,這讓我們可以將其和益生菌組合起來,幫助那些在經(jīng)歷了 干擾性生命早期事件后,無法從母乳中獲取益生菌 來恢復(fù)腸道菌群的孩童和嬰兒。


And that is the solution. As a researcher,I must say at this point that research in this field is still ongoing and a lotof work remains to be done. That's a favorite sentence of us scientists. But weare taking steps towards understanding better and better which are the keymissing microbes in various situations and what HMOs we should package withwhich probiotics to help restore the microbiota of that particular baby in thatparticular case.

這就是解決方案。作為研究人員,我必須在此說明,這個領(lǐng)域的研究仍在進展之中,許多的研究仍需要完成。這是科學(xué)工作者最喜歡說的一句話。但我們正采取措施,一步步更好的理解在不同情況下缺失的 關(guān)鍵微生物是什么,什么樣的 HMO 應(yīng)該與 什么微生物組合起來 以恢復(fù)在特定病例下 特定嬰兒的腸道菌群。


What I wish you to remember from this talkis that, yes, vaginally born breastfed baby has the microbiota we have evolvedto adapt to, but in cases where that is not possible, there are means to reducethe negative health consequences.

我希望你們通過這個演講記住的是,順產(chǎn)出生、母乳喂養(yǎng)的嬰兒的確擁有 我們通過進化得以適應(yīng)的菌群,但如果無法實現(xiàn)順產(chǎn)或母乳喂養(yǎng),仍有方法可以減少對健康的負面影響。


Lastly, I wish you to imagine a world for awhile, a world where there would be such a health care system that when youtake your baby to a health care check, they would routinely monitor the gutmicrobiota development of that baby, and if any disruptions would be noted, atailor-made product to restore the microbiota would be prescribed. I mean, howwonderful would that be, if the onset of any chronic diseases would beextremely rare because of this preemptive health care system? Can you imaginesuch a world? Do you believe that that kind of future would be possible?

最后,我希望你們花些時間 想象一下這樣的世界,這個世界中有這樣的醫(yī)療保健體系,當你帶你的嬰兒去體檢時,該系統(tǒng)會程序性的檢查嬰兒的腸道菌群發(fā)展狀況,如果有任何的紊亂被檢測到了,你就會得到用來恢復(fù)菌群的 個性化處方。我的意思是,如果有了這樣的 前瞻性醫(yī)療保健系統(tǒng),任何慢性疾病的發(fā)病率都顯著減少,那會多么美好啊!你們能想象這樣的世界嗎? 你們相信這樣的未來會實現(xiàn)嗎?


I do. I believe in that future and I wantto contribute in the unfolding of that future, a future in which each baby hasan equal starting point for life to be programmed for lifelong health.

我相信。我相信這樣的未來,我也想為實現(xiàn) 這樣的未來出一份力—— 一個每個嬰兒都有平等起點、能夠規(guī)劃終身健康的未來。


Thank you.






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