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【演講者及介紹】Karen Lloyd




翻譯者 Jingdan Niu 校對者 Cissy Yun


It may seem like we're all standing onsolid earth right now, but we're not. The rocks and the dirt underneath us arecrisscrossed by tiny little fractures and empty spaces. And these empty spacesare filled with astronomical quantities of microbes, such as these ones. Thedeepest that we found microbes so far into the earth is five kilometers down.So like, if you pointed yourself at the ground and took off running into theground, you could run an entire 5K race and microbes would line your wholepath.



So you may not have ever thought aboutthese microbes that are deep inside earth's crust, but you probably thoughtabout the microbes living in our guts. If you add up the gut microbiomes of allthe people and all the animals on the planet, collectively, this weighs about100,000 tons. This is a huge biome that we carry in our bellies every singleday. We should all be proud.






But it pales in comparison to the number ofmicrobes that are covering the entire surface of the earth, like in our soils,our rivers and our oceans. Collectively, these weigh about two billion tons.But it turns out that the majority of microbes on earth aren't even in oceansor our guts or sewage treatment plants. Most of them are actually inside theearth's crust. So collectively, these weigh 40 billion tons. This is one of thebiggest biomes on the planet, and we didn't even know it existed until a fewdecades ago. So the possibilities for what life is like down there, or what itmight do for humans, are limitless.



So people sometimes say to me, "Yeah,there's a lot of microbes in the subsurface, but ... aren't they just kind ofdormant?" This is a good point. Relative to a ficus plant or the measlesor my kid's guinea pigs, these microbes probably aren't doing much of anythingat all. We know that they have to be slow, because there's so many of them. Ifthey all started dividing at the rate of E. coli, then they would double theentire weight of the earth, rocks included, over a single night. In fact, manyof them probably haven't even undergone a single cell division since the timeof ancient Egypt. Which is just crazy. Like, how do you wrap your head aroundthings that are so long-lived?



But I thought of an analogy that I reallylove, but it's weird and it's complicated. So I hope that you can all go therewith me. Alright, let's try it. It's like trying to figure out the life cycleof a tree ... if you only lived for a day. So like if human life span was onlya day, and we lived in winter, then you would go your entire life without everseeing a tree with a leaf on it. And there would be so many human generationsthat would pass by within a single winter that you may not even have access toa history book that says anything other than the fact that trees are always lifelesssticks that don't do anything. Of course, this is ridiculous. We know thattrees are just waiting for summer so they can reactivate. But if the human lifespan were significantly shorter than that of trees, we might be completelyoblivious to this totally mundane fact.

但是我想到了一個我非常喜歡的類比,雖然它聽起來會有些奇怪和復(fù)雜。我希望你們可以聽聽看。好的,讓我們試試。這個類比就像是試圖理解一棵樹的生命周期……如果你只能活一天。所以假如人類的生命只有一天,并且是在冬天,那么你的整個人生,都不會在樹上看到任何一片葉子。在僅僅一個冬天里,人類就會擁有非常多的后代子孫,以致于歷史書上只會記載樹木 是一個沒有生命的棍子,沒啥用處。當(dāng)然,這種結(jié)論很荒唐。我們知道樹木只是在等待夏天的到來,這樣它們就可以恢復(fù)活力。但是假如人類的壽命明顯比樹木的壽命短,我們可能就完全不會察覺到這個非常平凡的事實。


So when we say that these deep subsurfacemicrobes are just dormant, are we like people who die after a day, trying tofigure out how trees work? What if these deep subsurface organisms are just waitingfor their version of summer, but our lives are too short for us to see it? Ifyou take E. coli and seal it up in a test tube, with no food or nutrients, andleave it there for months to years, most of the cells die off, of course,because they're starving. But a few of the cells survive. If you take these oldsurviving cells and compete them, also under starvation conditions, against anew, fast-growing culture of E. coli, the grizzled old tough guys beat out thesqueaky clean upstarts every single time. So this is evidence there's actuallyan evolutionary payoff to being extraordinarily slow. So it's possible thatmaybe we should not equate being slow with being unimportant. Maybe theseout-of-sight, out-of-mind microbes could actually be helpful to humanity.

所以當(dāng)我們說這些深埋于地下的微生物只是在沉睡,我們是不是就像那些壽命只有一天卻試圖理解樹木如何生存的人們?這些地表下的微生物會不會只是在等待它們的“夏天”,而我們只是因為生命太短暫而無法看到?如果你將大腸桿菌封閉在一個試管里,沒有食物或者營養(yǎng)劑給它,然后將它成年累月的放在那里不管,當(dāng)然,大部分細胞都會餓死。但是很小一部分細胞會生存下來。如果你取下這些年老的存活下來的細胞,讓它們在饑餓的條件下,和一些新的、快速成長的大腸桿菌競爭,這些頭發(fā)花白、吃苦耐勞的老年人每一次都打敗了吱吱作響的干凈的新貴。所以,這證明了進化的格外緩慢 其實有好處。所以有可能,我們也許不應(yīng)該將慢等同于不重要。也許這些看不見的,我們不放在心上的微生物實際上對人類是有幫助的。


OK, so as far as we know, there are twoways to do subsurface living. The first is to wait for food to trickle downfrom the surface world, like trying to eat the leftovers of a picnic thathappened 1,000 years ago. Which is a crazy way to live, but shockingly seems towork out for a lot of microbes in earth. The other possibility is for a microbeto just say, "Nah, I don't need the surface world. I'm good downhere." For microbes that go this route, they have to get everything thatthey need in order to survive from inside the earth. Some things are actuallyeasier for them to get. They're more abundant inside the earth, like water ornutrients, like nitrogen and iron and phosphorus, or places to live. These arethings that we literally kill each other to get ahold of up at the surfaceworld.

目前我們所知道的是,有兩種方法讓它們在地表下的生活。第一種是等待食物從地表向下滴流,這就好像嘗試吃從一千年前的野餐上剩下來的食物。真是個瘋狂的生活方式。令人吃驚的是,對于很多地球上的微生物來說,這個方法是可行的。另外一種方式是,微生物會覺得,“我不需要地表世界,我在這下面挺好的?!睂τ谶x擇這條路的微生物來說,它們?yōu)榱松?,不得不從地球?nèi)部來獲取它們所需求的一切。實際上,有些東西對它們來說比較容易獲得。這些東西在地球里面更加充足,比如水源或者營養(yǎng),比如氮、鐵和磷,或者可以居住的地方。這些是我們在地表世界上需要靠互相廝殺 來得到的東西。


But in the subsurface, the problem isfinding enough energy. Up at the surface, plants can chemically knit togethercarbon dioxide molecules into yummy sugars as fast as the sun's photons hittheir leaves. But in the subsurface, of course, there's no sunlight, so thisecosystem has to solve the problem of who is going to make the food foreverybody else. The subsurface needs something that's like a plant but itbreathes rocks. Luckily, such a thing exists, and it's called achemolithoautotroph.






Which is a microbe that uses chemicals --"chemo," from rocks -- "litho," to make food --"autotroph." And they can do this with a ton of different elements.They can do this with sulphur, iron, manganese, nitrogen, carbon, some of themcan use pure electrons, straight up. Like, if you cut the end off of an electricalcord, they could breathe it like a snorkel.






These chemolithoautotrophs take the energythat they get from these processes and use it to make food, like plants do. Butwe know that plants do more than just make food. They also make a wasteproduct, oxygen, which we are 100 percent dependent upon. But the waste productthat these chemolithoautotrophs make is often in the form of minerals, likerust or pyrite, like fool's gold, or carminites, like limestone. So what wehave are microbes that are really, really slow, like rocks, that get theirenergy from rocks, that make as their waste product other rocks. So am Italking about biology, or am I talking about geology? This stuff really blursthe lines.






So if I'm going to do this thing, and I'mgoing to be a biologist who studies microbes that kind of act like rocks, thenI should probably start studying geology. And what's the coolest part ofgeology? Volcanoes.






Many volcanoes on earth arise because anoceanic tectonic plate crashes into a continental plate. As this oceanic platesubducts or gets moved underneath this continental plate, things like water andcarbon dioxide and other materials get squeezed out of it, like ringing a wetwashcloth. So in this way, subduction zones are like portals into the deepearth, where materials are exchanged between the surface and the subsurfaceworld.



So I was recently invited by some of mycolleagues in Costa Rica to come and work with them on some of the volcanoes.And of course I said yes, because, I mean, Costa Rica is beautiful, but alsobecause it sits on top of one of these subduction zones. We wanted to ask thevery specific question: Why is it that the carbon dioxide that comes out ofthis deeply buried oceanic tectonic plate is only coming out of the volcanoes?Why don't we see it distributed throughout the entire subduction zone? Do themicrobes have something to do with that?



So this is a picture of me inside PoásVolcano, along with my colleague Donato Giovannelli. That lake that we'restanding next to is made of pure battery acid. I know this because we weremeasuring the pH when this picture was taken. And at some point while we wereworking inside the crater, I turned to my Costa Rican colleague Carlos Ramírezand I said, "Alright, if this thing starts erupting right now, what's ourexit strategy?" And he said, "Oh, yeah, great question, it's totallyeasy. Just turn around and enjoy the view."






"Because it will be your last."






And it may sound like he was being overlydramatic, but 54 days after I was standing next to that lake, this happened.



Audience: Oh!



Freaking terrifying, right?






This was the biggest eruption this volcanohad had in 60-some-odd years, and not long after this video ends, the camerathat was taking the video is obliterated and the entire lake that we had beensampling vaporizes completely. But I also want to be clear that we were prettysure this was not going to happen on the day that we were actually in thevolcano, because Costa Rica monitors its volcanoes very carefully through theOVSICORI Institute, and we had scientists from that institute with us on thatday. But the fact that it erupted illustrates perfectly that if you want tolook for where carbon dioxide gas is coming out of this oceanic plate, then youshould look no further than the volcanoes themselves.



But if you go to Costa Rica, you may noticethat in addition to these volcanoes there are tons of cozy little hot springsall over the place. Some of the water in these hot springs is actually bubblingup from this deeply buried oceanic plate. And our hypothesis was that thereshould be carbon dioxide bubbling up with it, but something deep undergroundwas filtering it out.



So we spent two weeks driving all aroundCosta Rica, sampling every hot spring we could find -- it was awful, let metell you. And then we spent the next two years measuring and analyzing data.And if you're not a scientist, I'll just let you know that the big discoveriesdon't really happen when you're at a beautiful hot spring or on a public stage;they happen when you're hunched over a messy computer or you're troubleshootinga difficult instrument, or you're Skyping your colleagues because you are completelyconfused about your data. Scientific discoveries, kind of like deep subsurfacemicrobes, can be very, very slow.



But in our case, this really paid off thisone time. We discovered that literally tons of carbon dioxide were coming outof this deeply buried oceanic plate. And the thing that was keeping themunderground and keeping it from being released out into the atmosphere was thatdeep underground, underneath all the adorable sloths and toucans of Costa Rica,were chemolithoautotrophs. These microbes and the chemical processes that werehappening around them were converting this carbon dioxide into carbonatemineral and locking it up underground.



Which makes you wonder: If these subsurfaceprocesses are so good at sucking up all the carbon dioxide coming from belowthem, could they also help us with a little carbon problem we've got going on upat the surface? Humans are releasing enough carbon dioxide into our atmospherethat we are decreasing the ability of our planet to support life as we know it.And scientists and engineers and entrepreneurs are working on methods to pullcarbon dioxide out of these point sources, so that they're not released intothe atmosphere. And they need to put it somewhere. So for this reason, we needto keep studying places where this carbon might be stored, possibly in thesubsurface, to know what's going to happen to it when it goes there.



Will these deep subsurface microbes be aproblem because they're too slow to actually keep anything down there? Or willthey be helpful because they'll help convert this stuff to solid carbonateminerals? If we can make such a big breakthrough just from one study that wedid in Costa Rica, then imagine what else is waiting to be discovered downthere.



This new field of geo-bio-chemistry, ordeep subsurface biology, or whatever you want to call it, is going to have hugeimplications, not just for mitigating climate change, but possibly forunderstanding how life and earth have coevolved, or finding new products thatare useful for industrial or medical applications. Maybe even predictingearthquakes or finding life outside our planet. It could even help usunderstand the origin of life itself.



Fortunately, I don't have to do this bymyself. I have amazing colleagues all over the world who are cracking into themysteries of this deep subsurface world. And it may seem like life buried deepwithin the earth's crust is so far away from our daily experiences that it'skind of irrelevant. But the truth is that this weird, slow life may actuallyhave the answers to some of the greatest mysteries of life on earth.

幸運的是,在這件事上,我不是一個人。我在全世界都有著了不起的同事,他們闖入了這個深埋于地表下的世界的奧秘??雌饋砗孟裆盥裼诘貧さ纳x我們的日常生活非常遙遠,以致于和我們毫無關(guān)系。但是真相就是這個怪異而又緩慢的生命體可能實際上有著 我們地球上的生命中蘊含的 一些最大奧秘的答案。


Thank you.






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