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【演講者及介紹】Claire Wardle




翻譯者Nan Yang 校對者Jiasi Hao


No matter who you are or where you live,I'm guessing that you have at least one relative that likes to forward thoseemails. You know the ones I'm talking about -- the ones with dubious claims orconspiracy videos.



And if you spend as enough time as I havelooking at misinformation, you know that this is just one example of many thattaps into people's deepest fears and vulnerabilities.



Every day, across the world, we see scoresof new memes on Instagram encouraging parents not to vacte their children.We see new videos on YouTube explaining that climate change is a hoax. Andacross all platforms, we see endless posts designed to demonize others on thebasis of their race, religion or sexuality.



Welcome to one of the central challenges ofour time. How can we maintain an internet with freedom of expression at thecore, while also ensuring that the content that's being disseminated doesn'tcause irreparable harms to our democracies, our communities and to our physicaland mental well-being? Because we live in the information age, yet the centralcurrency upon which we all depend -- information -- is no longer deemedentirely trustworthy and, at times, can appear downright dangerous. This isthanks in part to the runaway growth of social sharing platforms that allow usto scroll through, where lies and facts sit side by side, but with none of thetraditional signals of trustworthiness.



And goodness -- our language around this ishorribly muddled. People are still obsessed with the phrase "fakenews," despite the fact that it's extraordinarily unhelpful and used todescribe a number of things that are actually very different: lies, rumors,hoaxes, conspiracies, propaganda. And I really wish we could stop using aphrase that's been co-opted by politicians right around the world, from theleft and the right, used as a weapon to attack a free and independent press.






Because we need our professional news medianow more than ever. And besides, most of this content doesn't even masqueradeas news. It's memes, videos, social posts. And most of it is not fake; it'smisleading. We tend to fixate on what's true or false. But the biggest concernis actually the weaponization of context. Because the most effectivedisinformation has always been that which has a kernel of truth to it.



So I'd like to explain three interlockingissues that make this so complex and then think about some ways we can considerthese challenges. First, we just don't have a rational relationship toinformation, we have an emotional one. It's just not true that more facts willmake everything OK, because the algorithms that determine what content we see,well, they're designed to reward our emotional responses. And when we'refearful, oversimplified narratives, conspiratorial explanations and languagethat demonizes others is far more effective. And besides, many of thesecompanies, their business model is attached to attention, which means thesealgorithms will always be skewed towards emotion.



Second, most of the speech I'm talkingabout here is legal. It would be a different matter if I was talking aboutchild sexual abuse imagery or content that incites violence. It can beperfectly legal to post an outright lie. But people keep talking about takingdown "problematic" or "harmful" content, but with no cleardefinition of what they mean by that, including Mark Zuckerberg, who recentlycalled for global regulation to moderate speech. And my concern is that we'reseeing governments right around the world rolling out hasty policy decisionsthat might actually trigger much more serious consequences when it comes to ourspeech. And even if we could decide which speech to take up or take down, we'venever had so much speech. Every second, millions of pieces of content areuploaded by people right around the world in different languages, drawing onthousands of different cultural contexts. We've simply never had effectivemechanisms to moderate speech at this scale, whether powered by humans or bytechnology.



And third, these companies -- Google,Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp -- they're part of a wider information ecosystem.We like to lay all the blame at their feet, but the truth is, the mass mediaand elected officials can also play an equal role in amplifying rumors andconspiracies when they want to. As can we, when we mindlessly forward divisiveor misleading content without trying. We're adding to the pollution.



I know we're all looking for an easy fix.But there just isn't one. Any solution will have to be rolled out at a massivescale, internet scale, and yes, the platforms, they're used to operating atthat level. But can and should we allow them to fix these problems? They'recertainly trying. But most of us would agree that, actually, we don't wantglobal corporations to be the guardians of truth and fairness online. And Ialso think the platforms would agree with that. And at the moment, they'remarking their own homework. They like to tell us that the interventions they'rerolling out are working, but because they write their own transparency reports,there's no way for us to independently verify what's actually happening.






And let's also be clear that most of thechanges we see only happen after journalists undertake an investigation andfind evidence of bias or content that breaks their community guidelines. Soyes, these companies have to play a really important role in this process, butthey can't control it.



So what about governments? Many peoplebelieve that global regulation is our last hope in terms of cleaning up ourinformation ecosystem. But what I see are lawmakers who are struggling to keepup to date with the rapid changes in technology. And worse, they're working inthe dark, because they don't have access to data to understand what's happeningon these platforms. And anyway, which governments would we trust to do this? Weneed a global response, not a national one.



So the missing link is us. It's thosepeople who use these technologies every day. Can we design a new infrastructureto support quality information? Well, I believe we can, and I've got a fewideas about what we might be able to actually do. So firstly, if we're seriousabout bringing the public into this, can we take some inspiration fromWikipedia? They've shown us what's possible. Yes, it's not perfect, but they'vedemonstrated that with the right structures, with a global outlook and lots andlots of transparency, you can build something that will earn the trust of mostpeople. Because we have to find a way to tap into the collective wisdom andexperience of all users. This is particularly the case for women, people ofcolor and underrepresented groups. Because guess what? They are experts when itcomes to hate and disinformation, because they have been the targets of thesecampaigns for so long. And over the years, they've been raising flags, and theyhaven't been listened to. This has got to change. So could we build a Wikipediafor trust? Could we find a way that users can actually provide insights? Theycould offer insights around difficult content-moderation decisions. They couldprovide feedback when platforms decide they want to roll out new changes.



Second, people's experiences with theinformation is personalized. My Facebook news feed is very different to yours.Your YouTube recommendations are very different to mine. That makes itimpossible for us to actually examine what information people are seeing. Socould we imagine developing some kind of centralized open repository foranonymized data, with privacy and ethical concerns built in? Because imaginewhat we would learn if we built out a global network of concerned citizens whowanted to donate their social data to science. Because we actually know verylittle about the long-term consequences of hate and disinformation on people'sattitudes and behaviors. And what we do know, most of that has been carried outin the US, despite the fact that this is a global problem. We need to work onthat, too.

第二,人們對信息的體驗是個性化的。我臉書上的新聞推薦與你們的非常不同。你們的 YouTube 推薦與我的也很不同。這使得我們無法實際檢查大家看到的是什么信息。那么,我們是否可以想象為匿名數(shù)據(jù)開發(fā)某種集中式開放存儲庫,并內(nèi)置隱私和道德問題?因為想象一下,如果我們建立一個由關(guān)心且憂慮的公民組成的全球網(wǎng)絡,他們希望將其社交數(shù)據(jù)捐贈給科學,那么我們將學到什么?因為我們實際上對仇恨和虛假信息對人們態(tài)度和行為產(chǎn)生的長期后果知之甚少。而我們知道的是,其中大部分是在美國進行的,盡管這是一個全球性問題。我們也需要為此努力。


And third, can we find a way to connect thedots? No one sector, let alone nonprofit, start-up or government, is going tosolve this. But there are very smart people right around the world working onthese challenges, from newsrooms, civil society, academia, activist groups. Andyou can see some of them here. Some are building out indicators of contentcredibility. Others are fact-checking, so that false claims, videos and imagescan be down-ranked by the platforms.



A nonprofit I helped to found, First Draft,is working with normally competitive newsrooms around the world to help thembuild out investigative, collaborative programs. And Danny Hillis, a softwarearchitect, is designing a new system called The Underlay, which will be arecord of all public statements of fact connected to their sources, so thatpeople and algorithms can better judge what is credible. And educators around theworld are testing different techniques for finding ways to make people criticalof the content they consume. All of these efforts are wonderful, but they'reworking in silos, and many of them are woefully underfunded.

我協(xié)助建立的一個非營利組織,名叫“初稿”(First Draft),正在與世界各地通常競爭激烈的新聞編輯室合作,以幫助他們建立調(diào)查性協(xié)作項目。丹尼·希利斯,一個軟件設計師,正在設計一個叫做 The Underlay 的新系統(tǒng),它將記錄所有與其來源相連接的公開事實陳述,以便人們和算法可以更好地判斷什么是可信的。而且世界各地的教育者在測試不同的技術(shù),以找到能使人們對所看到內(nèi)容產(chǎn)生批判的方法。所有的這些努力都很棒,但是他們埋頭各自為戰(zhàn),而且很多都嚴重資金不足。


There are also hundreds of very smartpeople working inside these companies, but again, these efforts can feeldisjointed, because they're actually developing different solutions to the sameproblems.



How can we find a way to bring peopletogether in one physical location for days or weeks at a time, so they canactually tackle these problems together but from their different perspectives?So can we do this? Can we build out a coordinated, ambitious response, one thatmatches the scale and the complexity of the problem? I really think we can.Together, let's rebuild our information commons.



Thank you.






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