08 按點下班惹非議?一點小花招讓你看起來超努力
想給老板和同事留下好印象,卻又不愿花大力氣加班?FT專欄作家露西·凱拉韋(Lucy Kellaway)教你如何不費吹灰之力讓自己成為別人眼里的“工作狂人”。
每周一出現(xiàn)在英國《金融時報》上職場專欄的主筆——露西·凱拉韋(Lucy Kellaway)已筆耕不輟20年,與時下流行的職場文學不同,她的專欄既非“雞湯”,也不“厚黑”,善于以人性和常識透視職場生活的光怪陸離,陪伴和提點了幾代職場人,擁有大量忠實讀者。
After a decade spent practically living in the office, I am trying a new regime.I do my work during working hours — I get in at 9 and leave at 5.30.I'm getting more done than when I spent 11 hours inefficiently in the office.But my workmates don't like it, and keep making sarcastic comments about my slacking and working to rule.Is it possible to keep a reputation for hard work and commitment when you leave work punctually every day?
I am not at all surprised to hear that you can dispatch all your work between 9 and 5.30.There is hardly an office job in the country that can't in theory be done within a normal working week.
Yet one of the snags with office work is that what you do is not just invisible, it is subjective.That is why people do not measure what comes out (ie work) but what goes in (ie hours) instead.
The second problem is that hours are not just a proxy for output, they are a status symbol.In flat hierarchies, where there are not many rungs on the ladder to climb, hours signal ambition and future seniority.
The third difficulty is that work is only one of the things that has to be done in the office.The rest is bonding, politicking, gossiping and feuding.It goes without saying that these activities are idiotic and unproductive, but they have to be done if you want to advance.If you insist on spending eight hours a day with your head down, you are failing to do any of them.
So either you continue to work to rule, in which case the taunts will go on until your colleagues write you off as a member of the inner circle and reason that there is no further point in needling you.
Or you play tricks.Normally I'm not in favour of tricks, but in this case, as the prevailing rules are so idiotic, gaming them makes sense.
I suggest you decide not to work 9 to 5.30, but to do 40 hours a week in unpredictable bursts.On one day you could work 8 to 8, and on the next “work from home”, and do virtually nothing.
Or, if you prefer to do a similar amount every day, you should shift your eight hours so that at one end or another you are overlapping with the long-hours crowd.
In general coming in late looks much less bad than leaving early, so why don't you frequently turn up at 11 or 12? Everyone will assume you have been to a meeting — then when you work til 8 you will fool everyone into thinking you are back on your 11 hour-a-day pattern.
So long as you do that, and so long as you accompany your short, irregular hours with frequent complaining about how stressed and over burdened you are, there is a good chance you will get away with it.
snag [sn?g]
n.(尤指潛伏的)困難, (未料到的)障礙
Yet one of the snags with office work is that what you do is not just invisible, it is subjective.
proxy ['pr?ks?]
The second problem is that hours are not just a proxy for output, they are a status symbol.
overlap [??v?'l?p]
you should shift your eight hours so that at one end or another you are overlapping with the long-hours crowd.
taunt [t??nt]
The taunts will go on until your colleagues write you off as a member of the inner circle and reason that there is no further point in needling you.