陸明可謂是禍不單行,事情都亂套了,作業(yè)沒寫完,房租沒交上,身份證不見了,電單車又被偷了,正在發(fā)愁了。這時候,Alice來問陸明文幾個中文成語,看到陸明把整個房間翻得亂七八糟,就說:“What are you cooking?”獲悉詳情后,看到陸明一直耷拉著個臉,就說:“Just chill out. ”Alice的措辭極為精彩,弄得陸明腦袋是一波剛平,一波又來。那么Alice說的2句話到底是什么意思呢?我們就帶著這2個疑惑一起走近Alice和陸明的談話中來。
Alice : What are you cooking,Lumming?
What are you cooking?
Luming : Nothing. It's a little earlier for me to cook myself for supper.
Alice : You are always giving me an irrelevant answer! (All of a sudden, it comes to Alice's mind that "What are you cooking" is just popular in America.) Oh , I get it, you don't catch the sentence "What are you cooking?" It means "What's matter?"
你老是答非所問。(突然間,Alice想起了“What are you cooking?”是現(xiàn)在才在美國流行起來的說法。)喔,我知道了你不會這句話——What are you cooking? 它的意思是“發(fā)生了什么事?”
Lumming : I've got three essays to do by tomorrow. And I forget to pay my rent and I cannot find my ID card. What am I going to do?
Alice : Just chill out——It's not such a big problem. It is a long road that has no turning.
Just chill out. 沒什么大不了的。車到山前必有路嘛, 否極泰來.
Lumming : Chill...out? The sun beats down on us. The temperature outside is much higher than inside.
Alice : Well, I don't ask you to enjoy the cool. "Chill out" means "to relax, calm down or take it easy".
哎...... 我不是叫你去外面乘涼。“Chill out”是“放松,從容不迫,冷靜,不煩躁”的意思。
Lumming : Thank you a million dollars, Alice!