Wangpeng : Jack said he doesn't have time to dinner with us because he is busy in his inportant report at a meeting at his company tomorrow.
Steve : Yeah, he has been on the go.
是的,Jack現(xiàn)在on the go。
Wangpeng : On the go? I cannot believe Jack lied to me, saying that he is in the middle of something. And now, I know...I know he is going somewhere!
Steve : Calm down, Wangpeng. You don't catch the phrase "on the go". It means "very busy and active". Jack didn't cheat you.
冷靜一下,王鵬。你不知道on the go這個詞語的意思。它的意思就是“很忙,忙碌”的意思,(就是你知道的in the middle of something這個表示“忙碌”的說法)。
現(xiàn)在大家知道了吧,致使王鵬氣憤萬分的是他不知道非常地道的非常給力的表示“忙碌”的說法:on the go。On the go 這個短語本身就給人一種一直在動的感覺。實際上是“忙個不停”“忙得不可開交”“四處奔波”“跑來跑去”的意思。美國人很喜歡用這個短語來形容“一個人忙得一刻也不得停”。我們再來看一個小對話:
A : Are you ill? You don't seem like in the pink.
B : No, I have been on the go all week. I have not got enough time to relax.
下面我們再來看現(xiàn)代文學(xué)老舍先生些的《駱駝祥子》中用到了on the go進(jìn)行翻譯的話。
1. Xiangzi was on the go until eleven that night.
2. It was midnight before Xiangzi, who had been on the go , could take a breath.
3. His birthday preparations had kept her on the go for several days and this was the thanks she got! It was insufferable!