You'll never get far in life doing what the majority do. If you want what the minority have, model what the minority do, and do it better. Do it your way. Great things come to those who give great effort. Miracles come to those who believe in miracles. The impossible can only be achieved by those who believe anything is possible. Push yourself to those heights. Think bigger. Believe bigger. Dream bigger. And work harder.
I didn't get this far without belief! Belief in me. Belief in the process. Belief in hard work. Belief in a higher power. I didn't get this far without hunger! I was born hungry! Hungry to go beyond anything I had imagined! Hungry to achieve and grow! Hungry to set an example! An example of zero limits! I didn't get this far without hard time, and the mental strength that comes from surviving those hard times, from growing through storms, like a warrior, a relentless unbreakable warrior!
You can't kill me. There's always a place deep inside that refuses to die. A part that will not give up. A heart that will never know defeat. I've been beaten down. I've been at a breaking point. But I always come back! I'm not your average tree. I'm bamboo! You can't kill me!