第七十八課 英國人的性格
On the whole, what I have seen raises my preconceived estimate of the English character. It is full of generous, true, and manly qualities.
And I doubt if there ever was so high a standard of morality in an aristocracy which has such means for self-indulgence at its command,
and which occupies a position that secures it so much deference.
In general, they do not seem to abuse their great advantages. The respect for religion at least for the forms of its universal,
and there are few, I imagine, of the great proprietors who are not more or less occupied with improving their estates,
and with providing for the comfort of their tenantry, while many take a leading part in the great political movements of the time.
There never was an aristocracy which combined so much practical knowledge and industry with the advantages of exalted rank.
The Englishman is seen to most advantage in his country home. For he is constitutionally both domestic and rural in his habits.
His fireside and his farm—these are the places in which one sees his simple and warm-hearted nature more freely unfolded.