The stranger, beside himself with joy, took from the casket three diamonds of the finest water,
he forced them on Omar, who put them in his girdle, and seated himself by his father, his gravity unmoved by the gaze of the assembly.
"Well done," said Mansour, "but it is my turn now; mark me well, and profit by the lesson I shall give you.
Stop, young man!" he cried to the Banian, "we have an account to settle."
"The day before yesterday," continued he, "this young man entered my shop, and, bursting into tears, kissed my hand and entreated me to sell him a necklace
which I had already sold to the Pasha of Egypt, saying that his life and that of a lady depended upon it."
"Ask of me what you will, my father," said he, "but I must have these gems or die."
I have a weakness for young men, and, though I knew the danger of disappointing my master the pasha, I was unable to resist his supplications.
"Take the necklace," said I to him, "but promise to give whatever I may ask in exchange."
"My head itself, if you will," he replied, "for you have saved my life,
We were without witnesses, but," added Mansour, turning to the Banian, "is not my story true?"