Another kind of rock in which many fossils are found is called limestone. A drop of acid or of strong vinegar will tell you whether a stone is limestone or not.
As soon as the acid touches the limestone, it begins to fizz and to bubble. The acid causes a little of the limestone to dissolve, and a gas is formed, which escapes in small bubbles.
Clay is also a rock; and when it has been pressed a great deal, it is called shale. Shale splits very easily.
Some stones are made up of a great many little bits with flat shining sides and sharp corners, called crystals. Granite is a rock of this kind. Such stones were long ago heated inside the earth till they melted, and then, as they cooled, the crystals were formed.
Granite is a very pretty rock. Pillars made of polished granite are often used in public buildings. No fossils are ever found in granite. If there ever were any in it, they were destroyed when the rock was melted.
There are great granite quarries in Cornwalland in Scotland. A soft white limestone forms the chalk hills of the south-east and the east of England; and a hard limestone forms many of the hills in the north of England.