just gonna lay some of these palms. 砍些這種棕櫚葉
It's still gonna have a few holes in it,But that's gonna be okay. 最后還是會漏出些洞 但這沒什么關(guān)系
My sail needs to be controllable in these trade winds and the sudden storms that blow up here. 船帆須在信風及海上突發(fā)風暴的情況下 不失去掌控力
Okay.Now, you see it's already catching the wind nicely. 好了 瞧 它現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)能兜住風了
Almost ready to set sail. 馬上就能揚帆起航了
But for a crossing like this,you want provisions in case you stray off course. 但對于這樣一次航行 你必須準備好供給 以防迷失了方向
Beach almonds are good, portable energy,And coconut water will keep me hydrated. 海岸邊的杏仁是不錯的便攜食品 椰子汁能補充我需要的水分
Time to launch,The tide is high but just starting to go out,so it should help me on my way. 該下水了 潮水很大 但正是退潮時分 所以它應(yīng)該能助我出海
My raft is keeping me afloat and out of the water,and my improvised sail is doing its job. 我的筏子保持我漂浮在水面上 我臨時趕制的船帆也能正常工作
Actually, you really feel the wind filling this,pulling against me. 你能真切感受到充斥的海風 撲面而來
This is something I've never done before,this improvised little windsurfer,but it's working. 這還是我第一次經(jīng)歷這種場景 這個臨時拼湊的小帆板 還挺管用
But outside the reef,things are about to get a lot tougher. 但出了礁域 困難接踵而至
I'm struggling now.Come on. 我撐不住了 加油啊