By Thomas's side works another boy, whom we will call James,—a lad of only ordinary capacity, very likely.
If Thomas and all the other boys did their best, there would be but small chance for James ever to become eminent.
But he has something better than talent: he brings good will to his work.
Whatever he learns, he learns so well that it becomes a part of himself.
His employers find that they can depend upon him. Customers soon learn to like and trust him.
By diligence, self-culture, good habits, cheerful and kindly conduct, he is laying the foundation of a generous manhood and a genuine success.
In short, boys, by slighting your tasks you hurt yourself more than you wrong your employer.
By honest service you benefit yourself more than you help him.
If you were aiming at mere worldly advancement only, I should still say that good will was the very best investment you could make in business.
By cheating a customer, you gain only a temporary and unreal advantage.
By serving him with right good will,—doing by him as you would be done by, you not only secure his confidence but also his good will in return.
But this is a sordid consideration compared with the inward satisfaction, the glow and expansion of soul which attend a good action done for itself alone.
If I were to sum up all I have to say to you in one last word of love and counsel, that one word should be—Good will.