【英文解析】It is used when you are describing a situation in which there are signs that somebody or something is going to have problems or is going to fail.
【例句】① Bill saw the writing on the wall and resigned his job before he was dismissed.比爾看到 了 不祥之兆, 因而在被開除之前他辭去了工作。
② The writing is on the wall for the club unless they can find20000pounds.這家俱樂部就要大難臨頭了,除非 他們能籌到2萬英鎊。
【注釋】常見于新聞報(bào)道或文學(xué)讀本。源自《圣經(jīng)但以 理書》CDanie!):古巴比倫國王伯沙撒(Belshazzar) 在宮殿里設(shè)宴縱飲時,忽然看到一個神秘的手指在王 宮墻上寫著看不懂的文字。后來國王叫來虜囚猶太預(yù) 言家但以理(Daniel),方才搞明白墻上的字表示“大難臨頭”。如預(yù)言所示,伯沙撒當(dāng)夜被殺,新國王由 瑪代人大流士(Darius of the Mede)繼任。后來,the finger on the wall 或 the writing or handwriting on the wall和動詞see或read連用,用以形容“不祥之兆”。