While some travellers will always yearn for the new and exotic, a sobering trend of 2016 and 2017 has been the retreat to “safe haven” destinations.“Basically anywhere travellers perceive there's no risk from Isis-linked terrorism is doing well — so Latin America, the Himalayas, the Canaries,” says Tim Greening of KE Adventure.
雖說有些游客常喜歡尋求新奇與異域風情的旅游目的地,但2016與2017年的“王道”卻一直是回歸“安全至上”的旅游。“總得說來,在游客認為無伊斯蘭國恐襲之虞的所有國家(地區(qū)),旅游業(yè)都是良性發(fā)展——拉美、喜馬拉雅山麓國家以及加那利群島莫不如此。”KE Adventure旅行社負責人Tim Greening說。
New Zealand is perhaps the prime example, but it's also benefiting from a wave of new accommodation combining luxury and remote wilderness locations as well as much-improved flight connections on American Airlines, United and Air New Zealand.“Together they have essentially doubled the flight offerings from North America — we're seeing New Zealand continue to boom,” says Norman Howe.
新西蘭也許是最佳例子,但它除了受益于美航、美國聯(lián)合航空公司以及新西蘭航空公司新辟航線外,還從大量新建度假地(它們把奢華酒店與人跡罕至的荒野地帶巧妙結合)大獲其利。“北美至新西蘭的航班數大約增加了一倍——我們看到新西蘭旅游持續(xù)火爆,”Norman Howe說。
Recent openings include Helena Bay, which launched in November, a collection of lavish two and three-bed villas overlooking the beach and surrounded by 800 acres of fields and forests, and Marlborough Lodge, a 10-bedroom boutique hotel in the heart of the Marlborough wine region.The British and Irish Lions rugby tour in June and July, and the World Masters Games in April, will also boost visitor numbers and generate overseas television coverage.
新近開放的度假區(qū)包括去年11月投入運營的海倫娜灣與馬爾堡酒店。前者是俯瞰海灘美景的2臥及3臥豪華別墅群,800公頃原野與森林圍繞四周;后者則是建于馬爾堡葡萄酒種植區(qū)腹地的一家10臥高端酒店。英國The British and Irish Lions橄欖球隊每年6、7月的巡回賽以及每年4月舉行的世界老運動員運動會也吸引了大量游客,并且增加了海外電視轉播收入。