Scientists have created an ultrathin, flexible film that can emit laser light - and successfully tested it on a... [查看全文]
Neuroplasticity is more than a buzzword—it’s the brain’s ability to grow, and change. But it’s e... [查看全文]
Just a single chocolate bar may boost memory, cognition, immunity, and mood增強記憶認知免疫情緒,只要一條巧克力棒Study... [查看全文]
盡管謠傳不止,但神經科學證明了,在絕大部分的時間里,你運用了絕大部分的大腦。 [查看全文]
Trees don't seem to do all that much. Occasionally their branches might sway in the breeze and many of them... [查看全文]
Google Research is giving us a glimpse of how far natural language processing in artificial intelligence has come... [查看全文]
Robots have taken our jobs, learned our chores and beaten us at our own games.機器人搶走了我們的工作,學會了做家務,... [查看全文]
You might think that after centuries of research into the anatomy there isn’t much we don’t know abou... [查看全文]