我們常說,愛情是人類永恒的話題,在愛情之前,我們都需要對心儀的對象表白,可是大家知道用英語怎么來表白嗎?除了一句"I love you"... [查看全文]
Could you recommend a good restaurant near here? I'd like some Italian food. Which restaurant do you ... [查看全文]
I'm flat broke. Let's go window-shopping anyway. Why don't we go window-shopping? Shall we go... [查看全文]
Bill, please. 請結賬 I'd like the check, please. Where should I pay? It's on me. 我請客?! h!... [查看全文]
上班是很多人每天都做的事,在去上班的過程中或者上班過程中有很多生動有趣的口語,下面是英語四級口語考前沖刺練習每日積累(11),大家... [查看全文]
再見! Goodbye. 分手時最常用的寒暄用語?! oodbye. (再見!) Goodbye. Take care! (再見,保重啊!) 再見! Bye. ... [查看全文]
Are you a student? No, I've already finished school. Do you go to school? 你還在上學嗎? I'm a c... [查看全文]
Who won the golf tournament? Well, as a matter of fact, I did. Actually, ... /To be honest, ... /To be... [查看全文]
Sure thing! 好的 Please call for help! I had my bag stolen. My bag was stolen. Somebody stole my ba... [查看全文]
Every Tom, Dick and Harry. 不管張三李四 男女都可用 My daughter had a homestay in America. 我女兒為體驗當地生活... [查看全文]