影片對白: Girls: One, two, three! Coach: Okay, ladies, time to call out the cavalry . We've secured a spot in the playoffs , we're gonna shake it up a little. Wendy and Karen to midfield , Bridget to sweeper . Bridget: What? Coach: Yo [查看全文]
影片對白: Tibby: My carma-poochie-ay, I'm writing from the post office, and this express mail costs more than I make in two hours at wallmans, so these jeans better get to you tomorrow. Here we are on a typical Bethesda corner where g [查看全文]
劇情簡介 這個世界黑白顛倒,所有出現(xiàn)身邊的男人,都是殺手;依偎身邊的女人,都是妓女;主持公道的警察,更是無賴。壞人當道,好人就倒霉,但倒是有點好處,就是當你要尋仇時 [查看全文]
影片簡介 影片講述了一名希臘婦女摒棄家庭傳統(tǒng),嫁給了非希臘裔人士所引起的風波和家庭矛盾以及由此而引發(fā)的一系列喜劇和鬧劇。這部總投資不過500萬美元的小制作電影上映至今票 [查看全文]
影片對白: Carmen: All right, guys, are you ready for this? In the name of the father, the son--Here we go. Girls: Carmen, this isn't church. Carmen: You guys! But it's still a sacred place! I mean, this is where our moms met, right? A [查看全文]
劇情簡介 當百萬大軍登陸諾曼底海灘時,一小隊由約翰米勒中尉(湯姆漢克斯飾演)率領的美軍士兵卻深入敵區(qū),冒著生命危險拯救一名士兵詹姆斯雷恩(麥特戴蒙飾演)。詹姆斯雷恩 [查看全文]
劇情簡介 在紐約人文氣息濃厚的上西區(qū),凱薩琳凱莉(梅格萊恩飾)經營一家溫馨的小書店,書店繼承自母親,已有四十年的歷史,是附近街坊生活的一部份。沒想到就在隔街,一家大 [查看全文]
影片對白 Will: What's up? Chuckie: Thanks. Ah! God, that's good. So how's your lady? Will: Ah, she's gone. Chuckie: Gone? Gone where? Will: Med school. Medical school in California. Chuckie: Really? Will: Yeah. Chuckie: When was this? W [查看全文]
影片對白 Sean: You feel like you're alone? Will: What? Sean: Do you have a soul mate? Will: Do I have a-- Define that. Sean: Somebody who challenges you. Will: Uh, Chuckie. Sean: No, Chuckie's family. He'd lie down in fuckin' traffic fo [查看全文]
影片對白 Sean: You ever been on a plane? Will: No, but it's a fuckin' joke. It works better if I tell it in the first person. Sean: Yeah, it does. Will: I have been laid, you know? Sean: Really? Good for you. Big time. Big time, huh? Wi [查看全文]