Ted Hughes I imagine this midnight moment's forest: Something else is alive Besides the clock's l... [查看全文]
Philip Larkin (1922-1985) Cut grass lies frail: Brief is the breath Mown stalks exhale. Long, long the... [查看全文]
Philip Larkin (1922-1985) She kept her songs, they took so little space, The covers pleased her: One bl... [查看全文]
William Carlos Williams (1883-1963) Old age is a flight of small cheeping birds skimming bare trees ... [查看全文]
William Butler Yeats (1865-1939) The fascination of what's difficult Has dried the sap out of my veins... [查看全文]
Elizabeth Barrett Browning (1806 - 1861) What was he doing, the great god Pan, Down in the reeds by the... [查看全文]
Jo Shapcott One day the technicians touched souls as they exchanged everyday noises above the pipette. The... [查看全文]
Ted Hughes (1930 - 1998) The apes yawn and adore their fleas in the sun. The parrots shriek as if they... [查看全文]
Walt Whitman (1819 – 1892) I think I could turn and live awhile with the animals ... they are so p... [查看全文]
Emily Dickinson The last Night that She lived It was a Common Night Except the Dying -- this to Us ... [查看全文]