《生活大爆炸》制片人Chuck Lorre發(fā)布聲明,透露第十二季將是最終季:We are forever grateful to our fans for their support ... [查看全文]
剛剛過去的這個周末,華納兄弟再放大招。繼《巨齒鯊》之后,該公司出品新片《瘋狂的亞洲富人》(又譯《摘金奇緣》)贏得最新一期北美票房排行... [查看全文]
When she was just his girlfriend, Hailey Baldwin gotJustin Bieber to shave off his mustache in early July. Biebe... [查看全文]
Dear 17-year-old self,17歲的我,When your Laker dream comes true tomorrow, you need to figure out a way to invest... [查看全文]
film Academy has announced a number of changes to the Oscars, including the introduction of a new category.美國電... [查看全文]
北京時間8月17日,據美媒體報道,勇士隊當家球星斯蒂芬-庫里在接受比爾-西蒙斯的采訪時明確表示他希望在勇士隊結束職業(yè)生涯。Stephen Curr... [查看全文]
雅加達亞運會第一個正式比賽日落下帷幕,中國代表團調到了金牌收割模式,共收獲7金5銀4銅,金牌總數和獎牌總數均位居第一!在武術男子長拳項... [查看全文]
Christy Carlson Romano, the original voice of Kim Possible in the animated series, will appear in the live-action... [查看全文]
利八世,娜塔莉·波特曼飾演他不幸的第二任妻子安妮·波琳,斯嘉麗·約翰遜扮演安妮的妹妹瑪麗,也就是片名所指的角色。安妮的女兒就是伊麗... [查看全文]
2018年演藝界的撈金女王是誰?《福布斯》雜志發(fā)布的榜單顯示,性感黑寡婦斯嘉麗·約翰遜收入最高。值得注意的是,上榜的幾乎都是好萊塢的熟... [查看全文]