你好,我的名字是——May I introduce myself?I'm——我來自我介紹一下,我叫——Let me introduce myself.I'm——我來自我... [查看全文]
英譯商務合同貌似簡單,實則不然。商務合同是一種特殊的應用文體,重在記實,用詞行文的一大特點就是準確與嚴謹。本文擬運用翻譯教學中所積... [查看全文]
Claims occur frequently in international trade.國際貿(mào)易中經(jīng)常發(fā)生索賠現(xiàn)象。We are now lodging a claim with you.我們現(xiàn)... [查看全文]
要學好商務英語,還要多了解一些慣用語。下面就為大家列出幾個。1. a country mile一段很長的距離該習語多用在美國口語中,名詞country... [查看全文]
Hints on Hosting a Manger from Overseas關于招待外國經(jīng)理的提示1) Take them to a famous restaurant, but let them ord... [查看全文]
1.Please meet me at the airport. I'll pick you up at the airport at 9 o'clock.2. Excuse me, Sir. I am... [查看全文]
13. It was very comfortable.14. Did you have a good flight?15. Did you have a nice flight?16. Yes, it was a n... [查看全文]
25. Here we are. This is your hotel. Tomorrow I will take you to a factory in Shanghai.26. I will pick you a... [查看全文]
導讀:有某種商業(yè)活動,邀請函是必不可少的準備活動之一,接下來就為大家準備了五種最常見的英文商務邀請函模版。一、Dear sir/madam:I... [查看全文]
Managing in the PresentPresent TensesFocus: time management and current problems facing a service company1. Manageme... [查看全文]